
I was with you, I am & will be
all I need, is your trust in me

In all your pieces & places
will be with you, as time & spaces

Your sorrow & worries, all are mine
and you are, beautiful sunshine

Never leave you alone in any situation
only thing I am afraid is, confusion

Whatever the path, will walk together
whether its a stone or a feather

I wish I die, if I hurt you
As I don’t want to live without you

To you, I surrender as a whole
not just a body but also the soul

I write your name, on wet sand
with you, I feel heaven on this land

Your presence cover my face with smiles
I will walk with you, for thousand miles

Without you, a moment is like a year
to loose you, is my greatest fear

You are for me, like moon for the night
I want to cry, please hug me tight

– Harsh Acharya

(art work by: Leonid Afremov)

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